Размер: 536.19 Кб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 17:16, 31 августа 2018г.
Скачиваний: 3
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Описание и инструкции:

ignore energy
inf. durability
ignore money
(up) ignore tech points (table Update5)
ignore ingredients
(new) inventory size mod (table Update5)
time of day mod

- health still drop when being hit but you wont' die.

ignore energy
- you can work/gather/attack regardless of your remaining energy.
- energy still decrease until it reaches zero when you work/gather/attack.

inf. durability
- durability won't drop below the specified min durability (default: 0.8 == 80%) when you use the item.

ignore money
- you can always trade in regardless of the currant money you have.
- your money still decrease until it reaches zero when you trade.
- note that it still prevent you from selling things if the merchant don't have enough money to pay.

ignore tech points
- you can learn new tech regardless of the remaining tech points.
- tech points still decrease until they reach zero when learning tech.
- note that if the tech required a blueprint, you still need to obtain one first before you can learn it.

ignore ingredients
- you can craft/repair/study ignoring the item requirements.
- items required still decrease until they reach zero when craft/repair/study.
- when repairing an item without a Whetstone on you, instead of repairing the item, it'd duplicate the item in full durability after the repairing, you can then just sell the duplicated one. so, unless you want to earn some extra cash with this spoil, you should bring a Whetstone with you if you want to repair.

inventory size mod
- change the inventory size to the specified size when activated.
- size default: 100.
- it affects all containers.
- changed value would be saved when the game is saved. if in doubt, activate this script before you load a savegame.

time of day mod
- hold CapsLock and PageUp to rewind time.
- hold CapsLock and PageDown to advance time.
- time of day would advance normally without pressing any of the above keys.
- you can advance/rewind past a day as well.
- when rewinding time, filter is implemented to make sure you won't go back past day 1.
- the value of current day, can be changed manually, but the HUD on the top left won't show the changes (and probably some day-dependant characters' schedule won't be updated as well) until you pass a day in-game. so it's better to use the mod keys described above to traverse between days.
- the value of the time of day can be changed manually, ranged between -1 and 1, -1: start of the day, 0: mid-day, 1: end of day.

Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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