Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
Dying Light: Таблица для Cheat Engine [2.0.1]
Размер: 609.74 Кб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 23:28, 25 марта 2018г.
Скачиваний: 20
Описание и инструкции:
- I2CETeleporter
- Teleport To: Way Point
- Teleport: Back
- All named locations have "Teleport To" save scripts in "Saves" section.
- Save Location (saves location to local file)
- Helpers
- Generate Memory Records (helper script for generating "teleport to save" scripts from saves)
- Zero Camera Rotation Angle
- Write Saves To File
- Print Saves
- Rename Save
- Read From File
- Delete Save
- Time manipulation
- Stop Timers
- Sync with Real Time
- Time Scale Hook
- Time Display (Standard & Military)
- Time Setters
- XP Multiplier
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Combat Stamina
- Infinite Stamina
- Infinite Money
- Money Multiplier
- Infinite Ammo
- No Reload
- Inventory Cap. Hook
- Infinite Inventory & Supple Drops
- Inventory Multiplier
- Delta Multiplier (modified from Soul Reaver's table)
- Jump Multiplier (from Soul Reaver's table)
- Infinite UV Light
- No Grappling Hook Cooldown
- No Flare Cooldown
- Infinite Drug Duration
- Attack Speed Multiplier
- Infinite Weapon Condition
- Fire Rate Multiplier
- No Spread
- No Recoil
- Instant Bow Draw
- Increased Camo
- Infinite Camo
- Invisible(ish) to Volatiles & Virals - Only with Camo
- NPC Health Hook - Player Proximity
- NPC Health Dec. Hook
- Infinite Flash Light Batt.
- Auto Flash Light
- Easy Lockpicking (from Soul Reaver's table)
- Weapons in Safe Zones
- No Blueprint Requirements
- Auto Trap Reset
- Easy Action Taps
- Easy Action Hold (from Soul Reaver's table)
- Instant Level Ups (modified from Soul Reaver's table)
- Fall Hack (Dumb Fly hack)
General Helper Scripts:
- Fill Health
- Fill Combat Stamina
- Fill Camo
- Clear Camo
- +$500
- +$5,000
- +$50,000
- +50 Rounds
- +100 Rounds
- +5,000 XP (Last)
The Fallowing:
- Features:
- Infinite Gas
- No Vehicle Repairs
- No Vehicle FlameThrower Cooldown
- Infinite Nitrous
- Nitrous Multiplier
- Fill Gas
- Fill Nitrous
Other Features:
- Auto Attach to process
- Simple Logger (with levels)
- Debug Section:
- Helpers:
- Print Game Module Info
- Print Game Module Version
- Enable Compact Mode
- Disable Compact Mode
- Set Logger Level : WARN (Default)
- Set Logger Level : INFO
- Set Logger Level : DEBUG
- Set Logger Level : TRACE
- All hooks have their own section, check scripts for real hook names.
- Helpers:
Поделитесь с друзьями и оцените файл (+1G)
Dying Light скачать другие файлы
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