Патч BioShock Infinite Update.3
Размер: 8.18 Мб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 20:00, 26 июля 2014г.
Скачиваний: 0
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Описание и инструкции
кумулятивное обновление. старые сейвы работают! C:/Users/%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/SKIDROW/8870/Storage/savedata
> Season Pass DLC:
- A Head Start
- Industrial Revolution
- Comstock Bird’s Eye Sniper Rifle
- The Early Bird Special Pack
> Columbia\'s Finest DLC:
- Comstock’s China Broom Shotgun
- Comstock’s Eagle Eye Sniper Rifle
- Industrial Revolution Rewards Pack
- Upgrade Pack
UPDATE 3 version
> Fix for a memory leak that caused crashing on some systems after playing for an extended period of time.
> Fix for the game occasionally using an invalid refresh rate and/or resolution on computers with multiple graphics adapters. On some machines this corrects an issue wherein the game shows only a black screen at startup or when switching into full-screen mode.
> Level loading time improvements.
UPDATE 2 version
> Improvements to help reduce frame-rate "hitching" or "stuttering" that may occur when playing the game on some hardware configurations.
- NOTE: Frame-rate consistency is best when playing with the Graphics Option titled "Lock Framerate" set to ON (i.e. v-sync enabled).
> Fix some users being unable to switch the Texture Detail option to any setting other than Low or Very Low.
- NOTE: Users should now have all options available to them. However, playing on extremely high resolutions and/or detail levels can result in texture artifacts if the video card does not have enough video RAM to fully satisfy the memory requirements of that configuration. If this occurs, reducing resolution, graphics quality, and/or texture detail may help alleviate these artifacts.
> Adjustments to the Mouse Sensitivity option to facilitate lowering sensitivity further.
- NOTE: This may cause changes to mouse sensitivity for existing players, requiring them to re-adjust sensitivity.
> Fix for the Nav-Aid occasionally suggesting that the player use a Sky-Line that is not currently available for use.
> Fix for a rare crash when using a Sky-Line Strike attack on a Handyman.
> Fix for an issue that may cause checkpoint progress to become inaccessible and appear to be lost.
> Changes to improve overall game stability.
UPDATE 1 version
> Fix for occasional crash occurring during startup of the game during opening movies.
> Fix for some audio being permanently disabled if a checkpoint is restored while the screen is still faded to black prior to the player’s first encounter with Daisy Fitzroy.
> Fix for user inventory issue in the Town Center fair.
кумулятивное обновление. старые сейвы работают! C:/Users/%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/SKIDROW/8870/Storage/savedata
> Season Pass DLC:
- A Head Start
- Industrial Revolution
- Comstock Bird’s Eye Sniper Rifle
- The Early Bird Special Pack
> Columbia\'s Finest DLC:
- Comstock’s China Broom Shotgun
- Comstock’s Eagle Eye Sniper Rifle
- Industrial Revolution Rewards Pack
- Upgrade Pack
UPDATE 3 version
> Fix for a memory leak that caused crashing on some systems after playing for an extended period of time.
> Fix for the game occasionally using an invalid refresh rate and/or resolution on computers with multiple graphics adapters. On some machines this corrects an issue wherein the game shows only a black screen at startup or when switching into full-screen mode.
> Level loading time improvements.
UPDATE 2 version
> Improvements to help reduce frame-rate "hitching" or "stuttering" that may occur when playing the game on some hardware configurations.
- NOTE: Frame-rate consistency is best when playing with the Graphics Option titled "Lock Framerate" set to ON (i.e. v-sync enabled).
> Fix some users being unable to switch the Texture Detail option to any setting other than Low or Very Low.
- NOTE: Users should now have all options available to them. However, playing on extremely high resolutions and/or detail levels can result in texture artifacts if the video card does not have enough video RAM to fully satisfy the memory requirements of that configuration. If this occurs, reducing resolution, graphics quality, and/or texture detail may help alleviate these artifacts.
> Adjustments to the Mouse Sensitivity option to facilitate lowering sensitivity further.
- NOTE: This may cause changes to mouse sensitivity for existing players, requiring them to re-adjust sensitivity.
> Fix for the Nav-Aid occasionally suggesting that the player use a Sky-Line that is not currently available for use.
> Fix for a rare crash when using a Sky-Line Strike attack on a Handyman.
> Fix for an issue that may cause checkpoint progress to become inaccessible and appear to be lost.
> Changes to improve overall game stability.
UPDATE 1 version
> Fix for occasional crash occurring during startup of the game during opening movies.
> Fix for some audio being permanently disabled if a checkpoint is restored while the screen is still faded to black prior to the player’s first encounter with Daisy Fitzroy.
> Fix for user inventory issue in the Town Center fair.
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