DAI Mod Manager v0.50 alpha
Размер: 64.30 Кб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 21:35, 20 июля 2015г.
Скачиваний: 53
Описание и инструкции:
Описание и инструкции
Major Updates:
* Patch 5+ friendly! Automatically picks a compatible merge destination folder for you (with a checkbox for manual operation if you're picky). No need to mess around with renaming folders; forget your old workarounds.
* Patch 7 friendly! Mod Manager doesn't crash processing certain Patch 7 files.
* Performance Improvements! Mod Manager operations are significantly faster, dramatically so for scanning the official patch.
Minor Updates:
* Made some improvements to the official patch scanning and merge processing to make the Mod Manager generated patch files more closely resemble official patch files. Hopefully this fixes more problems than it causes.
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