Размер: 365.69 Кб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 14:48, 1 февраля 2015г.
Скачиваний: 14
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Changings with default_levels etc. WON'T work with this Tool, no need to try, everything i included at this Tool, works out!
I'm trying to go around this...
Hi there,
Changelog at the End of this Post
i had saw a lot of people complaining about FPS drops so i decided to take Information i could get an make a small Tool wich allows the user to simply check or uncheck options they want / don't want.
Here is a Screenshot of the Tool: i.imgur.com/zVhzrkV.png (v0.08)
(Make sure you click on "Enable Mods", to let the changes take effect)
Maybe 1 or 2 typos, but remember its just a testversion, i'll improve it later.

Implement all Features at the INGAME-Menu!

Instruction: Just run the .exe
NOTE: If you already have a Data Folder created, start the Tool and say "Reset to Default" in order to let it work propperly

Download: www.mediafire.com/download/mb8hfi4hjmdjxij/Dying+Light+Manager.zip
(works for x86 and x64)
This is everytime the latest version!


FlasePositive explaination:
Because it requires Admin (accessing Registry to save changes) it says it BEHAVES like a downloader
Because it's a Compress and simplycoded with AIT - it says dropper, nothing to worry - you don't have to use if you won't trust anyway
If you like to scan the file feel free and watch the false positives, no Droppers or something inside *roleyeyes*

(default settings used, Sun Shadows, Sunlightening, Cloud Shadows)
Here is a Screen BEFORE the optimization

Here is a Screen AFTER the optimization
i.imgur.com/JXIohG0.jpg (v0.01 Alpha ~outdated everything on low even Shadows removed)

Disabled Chromatic Aberration (Best scene for ex is the Start):

If i missed out ANYTHING please let me know

Greetings from Germany

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    17:35, 17 февраля 2015г.