Stellaris: Таблица для Cheat Engine [2.32]
Размер: 65.14 Кб
Дата добавления: 11:59, 27 июня 2019г.
Скачиваний: 5
Описание и инструкции:
Features: - Minimum Resources: [1] - Energy - Minerals - Food - Goods - Alloys - Influence - Unity (can be included or not) - Minimum Special Resources: [2] - Volatile Motes - Exotic Gases - Rare Crystals - Living Metals - Zro - Dark Matter - Nanites - Quick Research [3] - Special Projects Only [31] - Quick Task (for some ships): [4] - Survey - Investigation - Quick Production [5] - Ship Construction - Troop Recruitment - Quick Colonization [6] - Phase 1 by ship - Phase 2 by the Player him/her/self - Quick Population Growth [6] - Beings (a day) - Machines (a month) - Quick Buiding [7] - By Planet - All kind of Districts - Buildings - Clearing Blockers - By Constructor Ship: - Stations - Quick Contruction of Megastructures [7] - Phase 1 by ship - Phases 2/3 by the player him/her/self - God Mode: [8] - ships (Hull/Shield/Armor) - Stations (Hull/Shield/Armor) - Troops - Minimum Production per tile (new) [9] - Troop Morale - Pretty Quick Fleet Move [C] - Player's Characters quick level-up to max [D] - Colossus Quick Actions (2 days) new [E] - Minimum Stability [F] - Some Pointers [G] Процесс запуска: 1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу. 2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс. 3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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